
Hello and welcome to the Arena website. The Arena Sports Partnership is based at Callington Community College and is part of the Westcounty Schools Trust.  We need to build on the success of Olympics and ensure that the legacy continues in our schools with our children. Inspiring the next generation of young people to enjoy and participate in PE and School Sport. The additional primary school sport funding will be an excellent addition this year to help create more opportunities to children. We have some exciting opportunities for this school year to offer you through Arena and hope you become involved in our programmes.



  • School Games
  • CHS
  • T2M
  • Bikeability
  • CAPH
  • AFPE
  • YST
  • West Country MAT

Latest Partnership News

Summer Holiday Activity Sessions 2024

Summer Holiday Activity Sessions 2024

Released: 27th June 2024

Our summer holiday activity sessions are packed with exciting and engaging activities including: dodgeball, tennis, archery,…

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Summer Holiday Wild Tribe Wanderers Sessions

Summer Holiday Wild Tribe Wanderers Sessions

Released: 27th June 2024

How WILD are You?

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Arena Schools
Callington Community College, Launceston Road, Callington, PL17 7DR
Tel: 01579 386120

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